EL/ML Bill of Rights

Parent Bill of Rights for English Learners/Multilingual Learners

Pursuant to P.A.23-150 Section 17 the State Board of Education shall draft a written bill of rights for parents or guardians of students who are multilingual learners to guarantee that the rights of such parents and students are adequately safeguarded and protected in the provision of bilingual education under chapter 164 of the general statutes, and the sharing of this bill of rights in the dominant language of the parents or guardians. 

This means that, according to P.A.23-150 Section 17, the State Board of Education will create a clear list of rights for parents or guardians of students who are learning multiple languages. This list will make sure that the rights of these parents and students are kept safe and protected when they get bilingual education as described in Chapter 164 of the general laws. The list of rights will be given to parents or guardians in the language they understand the best.

For the school year commencing July 1, 2024, and each school year thereafter, each local and regional board of education providing a program of bilingual education or English as a new language shall:   

  1. provide the parents and guardians of eligible students with a copy of the multilingual learner bill of rights in the dominant language of such parents and guardians, and   
  2. make such copies of the multilingual learner bill of rights available on the Internet web site of such board. 
Title Language
Parent Bill of Rights for English Learners/Multilingual Learners  English
Akti i të Drejtave të Prindit për Nxënësit e Anglishtes/Nxënësit Shumëgjuhësh  Albanian
وثیقة حقوق أولیاء الأمورلمتعلمي اللغة الإنجلیزیة / المتعلمین متعددي اللغات  Arabic
িপতামাতা/অিভভাবেকর অিধকার িবলইংের􀎝জ িশ􀏠াথ􀎻েদর/ব􁉍ভািষক িশ􀏠াথ􀎻েদর জন􀒝  Bengali
父母权利法案 适用于英语学习者/多语言学习者
Déclaration des droits des parents pour les apprenants de langue anglaise/apprenants multilingues  French
Deklarasyon dwa paran yo pou moun k ap aprann Anglè oswa plizyè lang   Haitian Creole
अंग्रेज़ी िश�ािथ�यो ं/ब�भाषी िश�ािथ�यो ंके िलए माता-िपता के अिधकारोंका िवधेयक   Hindi 
د والدینو د حقونو بلد انګلیسي زده کونکو / څو ژبو زده کونکو لپاره   Pashto 
Karta praw rodziców dla osób uczących się języka angielskiego/uczniów wielojęzycznych   Polish 
Declaração de Direitos dos Pais para alunos de inglês/alunos multilíngues   Portuguese 
Билль о правах родителей для учащихся, изучающих английский язык/владеющих несколькими языками   Russian
Declaración de derechos para padres de estudiantes de inglés/estudiantes multilingües   Spanish
ெபற்ேறா�க்� உள்ள உரிைமக�க்கான மேசாதா ஆங்�லம் கற்பவர்க�க்காக/பன் ெமா� கற்பவர்க�க்காக   Tamil
İngilizce Öğrenen/Çok Dilli Öğrenciler için Ebeveyn Hakları Bildirgesi    Turkish
Білль про права батьків учнів, які вивчають англійську мову/кілька мов   Ukrainian
مسودۀ حقوق برائے والد/والده اانگریزی متعلمین/کثیر اللسان متعلمین کے لیے   Urdu
Luật về các quyền của phụ huynh dành cho Người học tiếng Anh/Người học đa ngôn ngữ  Vietnamese