K-5 Social Studies

Content Study in K-5 Social Studies 

The CT Social Studies Framework theme of Me and My Community will be examined through Selected Interactive Read Alouds and Short Inquiry Activities 

Grade 1 
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of Society and Ourselves will be examined through Selected Interactive Read Alouds and Short Inquiry Activities 

Grade 2
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of  Making a Difference will be examined through Selected Interactive Read Alouds and Short Inquiry Activities 

Grade 3
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of Connecticut and Local History will be examined using the Where I Live CT text along with selected Interactive Read Alouds and Inquiries based on Connecticut and North Haven
Grade 4
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of  United States Geography will be examined using the Nystrom Junior Geographer Atlas

Grade 5 
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of Early US History will be examined using the Nystrom Atlas of Our Country’s History 
Additional Information:
All grades receive Scholastic Magazines for classroom use