K-5 Social Studies
Content Study in K-5 Social Studies
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of Me and My Community will be examined through Selected Interactive Read Alouds and Short Inquiry Activities
Grade 1
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of Society and Ourselves will be examined through Selected Interactive Read Alouds and Short Inquiry Activities
Grade 2
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of Making a Difference will be examined through Selected Interactive Read Alouds and Short Inquiry Activities
Grade 3
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of Connecticut and Local History will be examined using the Where I Live CT text along with selected Interactive Read Alouds and Inquiries based on Connecticut and North Haven
Grade 4
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of United States Geography will be examined using the Nystrom Junior Geographer Atlas
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of United States Geography will be examined using the Nystrom Junior Geographer Atlas
Grade 5
The CT Social Studies Framework theme of Early US History will be examined using the Nystrom Atlas of Our Country’s History
Additional Information:
All grades receive Scholastic Magazines for classroom use