CT State Science Assessments

The CT State Department of Education requires all public schools to administer the NGSS (Science) Assessment each spring to all students in Grades 5, 8 and 11. The tests at each grade assess students’ understanding of the NGSS across the corresponding grade band (3-5, 6-8 and high school). The test lasts for approximately 90 minutes, but is untimed and students are allowed as much time as they need to complete it. It is often given over a period of several days.
Practice items which include a variety of sample items for the NGSS assessments can be found on the Connecticut Comprehensive Assessment Program Portal at https://ct.portal.cambiumast.com/ngss.html. After selecting NGSS Assessments, click on the "Practice and Training Tests" icon.
If you would like more information on CT State Science testing, please contact our K-12 Science Program Coordinator, Paris Godbout ([email protected]).